Deciding the Perfect Time

As a business owner, your business is your baby. It might not only be your source of income, but also your identity and your life. The thought of selling your baby is hard to consider especially now and so you wait. Many business owners will delay the thought of when to sell until it is far too late; leaving them frustrated and felling regret that they didn't sell when they could have. Often business owners think that a family member or key employee will take over the business. Sadly we are seeing that many family members do not want the business and the business owners is left considering a plan b. So, even if you have a family member or key employee that will be buying the business, you still have to decide when you will make the transfer. Often since no formal planning or decision has been made, the decision defaults to when the business owner just does not want to work the business any more. And although this might seem like a logical time, it does guarantee greatest value for the business. discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping discountaushopping


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