
When Bolivia's Olympic team, one of Earth's smallest delegations, begins to march into the London Olympic Stadium, with its top athlete (probably will be Claudia Balderrama, a female race walker) carrying the national flag - the traditional red, yellow and green tricolor, I will remember two things: By the second half of the 1860s, Queen Victoria, among the most powerful women in history, abolished Bolivia from her world map after England's ambassador to La Paz, the country's capital, had been humiliated by Bolivia's notorious dictator Mariano Melgarejo. Secondly, the South American country has not produced many of the globe's foremost Olympian athletes, but it had one of the best Olympic leaders in the whole history of sport. His name: Jose Gamarra Zorrilla, who was lionized by several foreign governments, from Taiwan and America to the Soviet Union and Mexico.sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto sukaretto


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