
Showing posts from December, 2021

Our findings

Children spend most of their day time at school, albeit they are deprived of time for sports and fun. The main reason for this is that either the schools do not have enough facilities to organize sports or the management does not realize the importance of sports and other physical activities. In schools, the break time is hardly of 20 to 30 minutes. Children can either play games with friends or have their lunch during this short time. They do have games session, but that is just once in a week. Even on that day the children cannot play sports as there is nothing for them to play. All they do is to spend that time in either learning a test or doing their homework. Teachers and parents both emphasize on doing homework and learning lessons after school. There are only a few parents and educators who understand that a child should have a balance routine, and get time for studies, games, and proper rest. Education is not just reading, memorizing, and writing homework, it is, in fact, the d...

Do You Make These Simple Mistakes In Education?

Institutions of education, and the system of which they are a part, face a host of unprecedented challenges from forces in society that affect and are influenced by these very institutions and their communities of learners and educators. Among these forces are sweeping demographic changes, shrinking provincial budgets, revolutionary advances in information and telecommunication technologies, globalization, competition from new educational providers, market pressures to shape educational and scholarly practices toward profit-driven ends, and increasing demands and pressures for fundamental changes in public policy and public accountability relative to the role of higher education in addressing pressing issues of communities and the society at large. Anyone of these challenges would be significant on their own, but collectively they increase the complexity and difficulty for education to sustain or advance the fundamental work of serving the public good. Through a forum on education, we...

The Ultimate Guide To Education

Government has a big role in providing its citizens proper education. Pakistan has undergone a number of changes since 1980s. Recent policy changes is slowly shaping the nation, making it look more and more like Western nations that embrace "Americanization." Pakistan is rapidly losing its social democratic status. Unfortunately, the so-called economic restructuring that is currently taking place is having adverse effects on the Pakistani school system and its students also. By analyzing the changes made to Pakistan's education system we can track neoliberalism's level of growth in the country. Privatization of education means transferring taxpayers' money designated for public education to luxuries of the Government, corporations, and/or individuals instead of to public schools, colleges, and universities. For the poor and middle class people, to have access in proper education, government's educational free facilities are most vital; should be available. It...

sustainable future

 Education is the primary agent of transformation towards sustainable development, increasing people's capacities to transform their visions for society into reality. Education not only provides scientific and technical skills, it also provides the motivation, and social support for pursuing and applying them. For this reason, society must be deeply concerned that much of current education falls far short of what is required. When we say this, it reflects the very necessities across the cultures that allow everyone become responsible towards quality enhancement. Improving the quality and revelation of education and reorienting its goals to recognize the importance of sustainable development must be among society's highest priorities. It is not that we talk only about environment but also about every component of life. We therefore need to clarify the concept of education for sustainable development. It was a major challenge for educators during the last decade. The meanings of ...

How 6 Simple Simple Blogspot My Career

I've experimented quite frequently with both BlogSpot and WordPress URLs, and I've come to three different conclusions that I will explain in detail below. Both BlogSpot and WordPress have their advantages, but only one blogging software is superior. If I had to choose which blogging software I would work with, I'd vote for WordPress 10/10 times! It's always been far more stable, and with the amount of free - and paid - plugins available, you can customize a WordPress blog 100% how you want it. Conclusion 1 - if you're looking for faster indexing and quick rankings, BlogSpot is the way to go for you! When you create a new BlogSpot account, Google automatically sets up their WebMaster Tools for that URL. This saves you all the dirty work of having to add coding to the right part of your website and verifying to make sure the code is set right. This can be a great benefit in the short run, but in the longrun, WordPress's ability to setup SEO-friendly URLs to any ...